JQuery tutorials

JQuery tutorials in pdf

In TutorialsInPDF today we bring you a selection of the best jQuery tutorials that you can find on the web, all in English and in downloadable pdf format , so that learning jQuery is easy for you.

For those of you who don't know what we're talking about, jQuery is a JavaScript framework designed to make life tremendously easier for developers. This is why we all love jQuery.

JQuery is free and open source software , therefore you can use it for free and with total freedom.

The versatility of this framework is such that it allows us to use it almost as a complete programming language. With it we can interact with HTML documents using the same selectors that we use in CSS , we can manipulate the structure of the DOM (this is the HTML once rendered by the browser), animate the elements as we wish, handle events or load remote data through AJAX, ideal for updating page elements without changing our url.

With jQuery we will write a tenth of the code that we would write with pure JavaScript, being able to achieve surprising results in a few lines, saving us a great deal of time and complications . In fact, jQuery is much easier and more intuitive to use than simple JavaScript (also called Vanilla JavaScript), and therefore easier to learn.

However, to develop more complex web applications, with great user interaction and constant updates in the UI (User Interface or user interface), there are better prepared JavaScript tools, such as Angular or ReactJS . But for simpler web applications jQuery is surely your best ally.

Without further ado, I give way to the best jQuery tutorials in English pdf that you can find on the web. You'll see how simple it is 🙂

We hope you enjoy them and they are useful to you 🙂

JQuery primer JQuery primer

This tutorial has been published online by José Luis Comesaña in the SICA world GitHub repository , and this is a complete version of it in pdf.

At just 26 pages , this is a good start for those who are not at all familiar with this framework. It also has a chapter where it specifically teaches us the CSS selectors , for those who do not master them. We will also learn the basic methods of DOM manipulation , and we even have an introduction and some simple AJAX examples .

From here you can download the resources to carry out all the examples exposed in the tutorial.

Very good tutorial to know all the basics of jQuery.

Author         Mundo SICA

License   CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Size             26 pg / 1.7 mb

Level           Beginner

JQuery primer          JQuery primer

JQuery basics JQuery basics

In this case we have in our hands on an original project by Rebecca Murphey . This original project is the same one that has evolved to become the current official learn.jquery.com page .

This book is really  great for learning jQuery . It is not a very extensive book and it is also easy to read, and with it we can learn jQuery from scratch , starting with all the basic concepts of JavaScript (which will help us to master them), and continuing with everything we need to know this framework: its basics, its core, events, effects, animations, Ajax, extensions and even best practices to increase performance.

From here you can download the resources to carry out all the examples exposed in the tutorial.

Magnificent tutorial with which you can start learning everything you need to master jQuery from scratch.

Author         Rebecca Murphey

License   CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Size             108 pg / 1.1 mb

Level           Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced

JQuery basics          JQuery basics

JQuery manual JQuery manual

We owe the authorship of this book to the great Miguel Ángel Álvarez , who has shared this tutorial on his DesarrolloWeb.com page .

If the previous tutorial is that good, this one is even better . The main difference is that it extends and goes further in the concepts , and contains many more examples which end up being longer and more sophisticated. But at all times he maintains a very progressive, entertaining and example-based learning line .

In this case we do not share material, but if you have internet, the tutorial itself is full of links to online examples.

The best pdf tutorial if you don't mind taking it easy to become a true jQuery expert.

Author         DesarrolloWeb.com

License   CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Size             200 pg / 2.8 mb

Level           Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced

JQuery manual          JQuery manual

JQuery Mobile Manual JQuery Mobile Manual

Again this magnificent tutorial has been written and published by Miguel Ángel Álvarez  from DesarrolloWeb.com .

In this case, this tutorial is exclusively focused on learning how to use and take advantage of jQuery Mobile , a version of jQuery completely oriented to the development of mobile websites.

This framework will simplify our work as you cannot imagine , adapting our entire HTML document to the optimal mobile experience: animated transitions between pages of mobile applications, unification of the appearance regardless of the system or mobile browser, management of alerts and errors through Toast ... so you understand, your website is going to look more like a mobile app than a page .

If your web application is mainly intended for mobile devices, download this jQuery Mobile manual  , you will surely appreciate it!

PS: The download will be done from DesarrolloWeb.com, registration being necessary.

Author         DesarrolloWeb.com

License   CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Size             37 pg / 710 kb

Level           Intermediate / Advanced

JQuery Mobile Manual          JQuery Mobile Manual

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