Musical Harmony

Musical Harmony pdf tutorials

In this new post we bring you and all music lovers, a selection of free pdf tutorials on musical harmony in English.

Music is called an "international language", because people who do not speak the same language can communicate by enjoying the same music.

Basically music is? Sound organized? in which various elements intervene such as the staff, notes, intervals, times, among others. Together they give way to melody and harmony.

When we talk about musical harmony we are basically talking about the simultaneous execution, usually of three or more tones , that form a chord.

Therefore, harmony, as an integral part of Music Theory, studies the formation of chords and the relationships that are established between them.

As you will discover in the pages of the pdf tutorials that we bring you, the basic unit used by harmony is the interval, having two types: the melodic interval, if both sounds are heard one after the other, and the harmonic interval, when the two sounds sound simultaneously.

Furthermore, harmony is mainly of two types:? Consonance? and? dissonance.? Yes, believe it or not, the? Dissonance? it is essential in music, because without it there would be little or no sense of motion or movement in music.

To better understand these points, download the pdf tutorials on harmony that we leave below, what will you find in them?

In this case, these are four resources aimed at beginners and those who already have a basic notion of music (at least they know the notes and times). In each one you will find the theory and practice necessary to understand the subject and get started in it.

Although the tutorials collected have excellent quality content, you must accompany their study with practice, a lot of practice, which requires dedication, commitment and perseverance. Don't be discouraged if you don't understand something at first, go over the content as necessary until you're ready to move on to the next point.

We hope you enjoy them and they are useful to you 🙂

 Harmony notes

The website has prepared this pdf document focused on the study of harmony in the tonal system .

For this, in its pages it explains what tonality is, chords, simultaneous and melodic movements, strange notes and other topics.

But what makes this tutorial truly special are the 48 practical exercises that it includes and that will put you to practice what you learn.


License   CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Size             65 pg / 545 kb

Level           Beginner


 Basic harmony

With this tutorial written by Javier Cabañas, those interested in music will find the basic fundamentals to understand harmony .

Using charts, illustrations and diagrams, you will learn about intervals, scales, notes, chords (triad and tetrad), Circle of fifths, cadences, modes, and much more.

Although it only has 44 pages, it is a necessary guide to begin to understand what is behind the sounds and as its author points out, it is a small compendium of basic harmony for enthusiastic beginners.

Author         Javier Cabañas

License   CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Size             46 pg / 720 kb

Level           Beginner


 Musical Harmony - Definition and History

This tutorial in pdf is an academic document where the history of harmony is explained in a summarized way, and later it focuses on describing what it consists of, why and when it is used .

It is interesting that to help the reader understand the latter, its authors, Thais Martínez and Rubén García use mathematical and physical formulas that allow us to understand why our ears perceive harmony .

So, with this tutorial in English we are in front of a valuable resource that establishes the foundation for the learner to enter the practice with greater ease.

Author         Thais Martínez

License   CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Size             44 pg / 545 kb

Level           Beginner


 Basic concepts for the study of harmony

Manuel Mas Devesa has prepared this resource that, as its name indicates, addresses the basic concepts of harmony , that is, what must be known in an indispensable way on the subject.

What are those concepts? To mention just some of those that you will see throughout the tutorial, these concepts are: scale degrees, classification of chords by their tonal function, chord encryption, triad chord inversions, unitonal progressions, modulation, among others.

Although it addresses basic topics, the language in which it is written requires having certain knowledge of music , in order to better understand its content.

If you are just starting to study music or you already have a little experience, this tutorial will enchant you.

Author         Manuel Mas Devesa

License   CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Size             65 pg / 555 kb

Level           Beginner / Intermediate


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